KRAPKOWICE POVIAT Areas for investment No.2 : |
Undeveloped area, owned by the Commune Council of Gogolin. The local land development designates the area for services, production, warehousing, logistics, transport and technical services.
Electricity and sewage system - distance to the accessible termianl 60m.
Gas and water - distance to the accessible terminal 120m.
Motorway A4 –
Voivodeship road no.409 Prudnik – Strzelce Opolskie - 7
Railway - Gogolin - 0.5
International airport -
International airport -
The nearest river harbour - Kędzierzyn Koźle -
The nearest sea harbour -
The nearest voivodeship capital - O
The Municipality Office in Gogolin
ul. Krapkowicka 6
47-320 Gogolin
TEL. +48 77 40 76 800
FAX. +48 77 466 62 47
e-mail: urzad@gogolin.pl / aj@gogolin.pl
www site : www.gogolin.pl